martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Prosthesis more than one body part

A few years ago, people with a body deficiency, it was worth of wood to make items such as body parts the best known is the "wooden leg". But the inventor of the closest thing to an actual prosthesis was the French physician Ambroise Paré, the work in the Army as a surgeon and discovered it was a good place to test articiales members.

Now with technological advancement of our time which is more developed than a few decades ago, we find a generation cyborg.

How Rob Spence and Nadya Vessey . The first lost his right eye at thirteen , and now has a prosthetic eye implanted with a camera connected to the network.

It will be the final lifecaster as rise realtime internet everything you see .

Meanwhile, Nadya , who lost his legs , has become thanks to a prosthetic mermaid shaped fish tail.

With it , the Paralympian participate in a triathlon (which includes a swimming test ) .

The accessory consists of a flexible neoprene coated polycarbonate and covered with a scaly average lycra .

To see through your eye. The prosthetic eye camera works with a micro-battery and nanotransmisor mounted on a tiny circuit board.

With it, Rob will be a unique day reporter .

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